Hi, I’m Joanne Flynn Black, founder of launchb4
Launch before you’re ready
Launch before everything feels perfect.
Launch before you’re comfortable.
Put yourself out there
The world needs you right now. Yes YOU.
What is the saying?…Perfect is the enemy of done
And in launching this means whatever you are putting out into the world. A community. A newsletter. Your poem that you submit to a poetry site. A short story you enter into a writing contest. A course. Your spot in the community garden. It does not have to be a Business Launch.
It can be anything.
Get it out there.
Join the launch b4 community here: Find out more here
launchb4 brings together women on a mission to create something bigger than themselves, to make well informed and savvy decisions about Technology Tools to Launch and Grow our businesses/projects, so that we can put the “thing” we’ve been dreaming about out into the world, can grow without fear, and be the “badass selves” we know we are deep down.

Photo by Ira L. Black
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