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So you want to create a community.

Maybe you’re an author and you want to create a community around your book.

Or a writer and want to create a community with other writers to share information.

Or it could be for any business.

Anything that you want to bring like minded individuals together.

Because we are more powerful in a community than as an individual.

Well, of course, you can use Facebook

Because lots of people are there already. So that is a perk.

But there are some negatives. Including your community being distracted.

But is there another choice?

Yes, Enter Mighty Networks:

I just created mine.

And in two days it looks like this

Here’s a sample of what a Mighty Network looks like and the platforms.

And, yes you can have your own app.

I am the only one in my community

For now.

But when I do have members I will be able to see stuff like this:

Try your own Mighty Network here.

It’s 100% Free

There are some features you can purchase, but for right now just try the free version and see if it works for you.

Update: I am now two weeks in and have nine members! Slow Organic Growth intentionally.

I created my community purpose (and still working on the wording – so far this is it:

The Big Purpose of this Community:
I bring together women on a mission who want to create something, to make well informed and savvy decisions about Technology Tools to Launch and Grow our businesses/projects, so that we can put the “thing” we’ve been dreaming about out into the world, can grow without being burdened by the wrong technology choices, and be the “badass selves” we know we are deep down.

I’m also going to launch a course entitled: Turn your Vision Board into an Action Board.

Because we all need (especially me) a well thought out plan to get to where we want to be. This process and tool with help you get there.

Try your own Mighty Network here. Free